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April 15 = Tax Day? Not This Year


It’s nearly Tax Day!

Actually, make that Emancipation Day. Haven’t heard of it? The District of Columbia Compensated Emancipation Act of 1862 ended slavery in Washington D.C. It’s celebrated there April 16 -- which, this year, falls on a Saturday, so the District of Columbia will observe the holiday on Friday, April 15.

So if you haven’t filed your federal taxes yet, that means you will have until Monday, April 18, due to the holiday. Terry Horstman, with the Illinois Department of Revenue, says the state of Illinois will follow suit for state taxes.

“Certainly, do not wait until the very last minute," Horstman said. "You have a few days here, so we encourage you to get moving on it, whether you want to use our online method, or whether you want to take a look at a tax service or tax preparation software. We just encourage you to file your taxes.”

He says filing online is the best way to minimize errors.

Jenna Dooley has spent her professional career in public radio. She is a graduate of Northern Illinois University and the Public Affairs Reporting Program at the University of Illinois - Springfield. She returned to Northern Public Radio in DeKalb after several years hosting Morning Edition at WUIS-FM in Springfield. She is a former "Newsfinder of the Year" from the Illinois Associated Press and recipient of NIU's Donald R. Grubb Journalism Alumni Award. She is an active member of the Illinois News Broadcasters Association and an adjunct instructor at NIU.