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An Invitation To Be Informed

Bruce Rauner was elected Governor in 2014 partly because he promised to shake things up. A wealthy businessman with no prior governmental experience, he initiated a budget stalemate when he attached political conditions that Democrats found unacceptable.

We all know what happened next: two long years of unpaid bills that led to crippled social services and struggling public universities.

Finally, in July, a state budget was passed over the governor’s veto with the support of at least 10 Republicans. The delay has left Illinois 15 million dollars in debt. And make no mistake, the new budget is not a cure for this deep hole we’re in; rather, it’s more of a band-aid.

The public’s anger can be seen in the governor’s 35-percent approval rating. And, as the 2018 election approaches, people are looking at who might replace Rauner and offer creative and permanent solutions to the state’s problems. We now know for certain that paralysis and stalemate are not the way to go.

On October 3, you have a chance to hear from most of the people who want to replace Governor Rauner in November 2018. Six candidates vying for the Democratic nomination will answer audience questions at a forum in NIU’s Holmes Student Center. The doors open at 5 p.m.

Daniel Biss and Chris Kennedy will be there, as well as Bob Daiber, Alex Paterakis, Tio Hardiman, and Ameya Pawar.

I hope you can come.

I’m Deborah Booth, and that’s my perspective.

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