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Rollin' Down That Lincoln Highway


While doing research for a documentary about the Lincoln Highway Centennial, I found a song called "Rollin' Down That Lincoln Highway" by Shadric Smith. I thought it would make a good theme for the program so I called Smith at his home in Fort Dodge, Iowa, and talked with him about it.

After the interview, I realized I also had a nice story for Morning Edition.

Hear the interview by clicking the above audio link.  You can also hear a version of the song from Smith's latest album Half My Life.

The documentary I'm producing will include related stories that aired during Morning Edition this year. These include Dan Libman's series "Pedaling Lincoln Highway."

You can find links to this series and other stories below.

Listen for Lincoln Highway, The Father Road this September.

Good morning, Early Riser! Since 1997 I've been waking WNIJ listeners with the latest news, weather, and program information with the goal of seamlessly weaving this content into NPR's Morning Edition.
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