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Some 'Opinions' Really Matter

  You know what I think? Well, this is how I see it…

In my opinion… If there is one thing cherished above all in the United States, it is the opinion. Fact: The Webster’s Dictionary defines opinion as both a belief, judgment or way of thinking about something, and as advice from someone with special knowledge or an expert.

Yes, anyone can have an opinion, but that does not mean it is informed or useful.

The cult of opinion in the United States is profound. Research shows that many are inclined to hold onto their opinions when provided countervailing facts. After all, we all have a right to our opinions, right? Even if they are wrong!

Opinions make us feel those feelings of self-determination and freedom that connect us to romanticized ideas of our nation’s founding. And that is fine, until opinions obfuscate facts, theories, and consensus borne out of scholarship and rigorous research.

Scholarship and research arise from people who have consciously dedicated themselves to understanding a particular field or body of knowledge.

This is not trivial for them. To the contrary, the more scholars learn about their fields the more intrigued they become. They hope to push the boundaries of understanding and solve mysteries that perplex and challenge our world.

The knowledge that economists, sociologists, oncologists, philosophers, astrophysicists, climatologists and others produce and verify is essential to the advancement of humanity, as they help us see that opinions alone only go so far and when we know better we should do better.

I am Joseph Flynn, and that is my opinion… I mean, perspective.

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